Introducing the Redbud Writers

I was recently invited and graciously accepted an invitation to join the Redbud Writers Guild.  The Redbuds are “fearlessly expanding the feminine voice in churches, communities, and culture.”


 One of the Buds encouraged me to write my first article and edited drafts of the first writings I wanted others to see and take seriously. Another Bud connected me to the editors of Christianity Today’s online magazines where I have published a few articles.


These ladies are Jesus freaks! They talk about Jesus and his gospel with a passion and dire need which requires that we all sit and listen. They are the Mary Bethany’s of our time, whom Jesus said, “Wherever this gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her (Matthew 26:13 NIV).”


What do Redbuds do? They write and lend their voices to critical discussions surrounding the Church and culture. They mother, nurture, and influence. They speak, preach, lead and serve churches, para-churches, and other Christian organizations.


These ladies stand for justice and against oppression. They take the passage, “And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God (Micah 6:8 NIV)” seriously. Since the spirit of the Lord is upon me and I’m going to stand against the enemy anyway, I want to be arm-in-arm with these women warriors in God’s military.


I’ve introduced you to a few of them and their work previously:


Helen Lee Missional Mom


Shayne Moore Global Soccer Mom & ONE Mom


Judy Douglass The Secrets of Success


Tracey Bianchi The Green Mama


Nicole Unice’s Divine Pursuit and ‘The Help’ Discussion


Please take some time to check them out. These are women that you need to know. I can’t wait to introduce others to you and give away some of their books next week! Surprise, surprise!


If you are a woman on a mission for God, we want to hear what you are up to?


In the meantime, the Redbuds will introduce themselves.


Blessings, Natasha

© Natasha S. Robinson 2011


Published by Natasha Sistrunk Robinson

Servant of Jesus. Truth-teller. Leader. Mentor. Author of Books.

20 thoughts on “Introducing the Redbud Writers

  1. Hi Natasha, fellow newbie Redbud!
    Excited to be a part of changing the world with you!
    I am working on a book proposal and query letters for my book about battling breast cancer. I blog at about post cancer, being an Asian American woman, parenting, leadership, spiritual life, food allergies, and other topics.
    Serving Him with you,

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Vivian. Lesson learned from working my first book proposal, “Don’t try to do too much in one book.” I really had like 3 book ideas working, so I’m revisiting it now with a singular focus.

      That being said, I will captivated when I heard you speak at Synergy a couple years ago. You address the conflict between being a Christian woman in the Asian culture. That is very INTERESTING (is the word that people keep speaking to me) and that would be at least one book/memoir/story that I hope God births out of you.

      Blessings, Natasha

  2. Hi Natasha,
    Thanks for the inspiring intro.! We need your voice, the voice of a divine “sista” in our world and in our group. I have a passion for planting seeds in the garden and planting seeds of hope in hearts. My book I will send you is about a woman’s quest to find the nativity of ancient times and restore it to our world. The prayer of Oswald Chambers, “Lord make my heart a Bethlehem” is a theme. My mom created the art for this Christmas gift book. Currently, I am writing a novel about music and its life giving effect upon our brains and our hearts.
    I can be found at and in the classroom at The Greenhouse
    Look forward to meeting you,

    1. Glad that God has connected us Margaret. I look forward to getting to know you better. Thanks for your encouragement, generousity and sending a book for the readers. Blessings to you my sister, Natasha

  3. Shalom, Natasha! I’m a new `bud, too.

    I tell the stories of spiritual ragamuffins, rebels and refugees to show how God uses our mess and his grace to transform us. I do a lot of anonymous writing for a couple of non-profits, and have written 2 books about the parables of Jesus. I blog at, and am currently doing a lot of thinking, reading, talking and praying about spiritual formation at (and by!) midlife. I’m honored to be on this leg of the writing journey with women like you.

  4. hi there! i am the woman at the well…living now as a radical servant of th king. i write about where i am. where the King has brought me. and where i will never return. follow me as i begin my writing career as a new creation!

  5. Another bud learning to bloom! I write novels for women about life, love, and faith. I also write children’s books with my husband to help kids (and help parents help their kids) grow in their relationship with God.

  6. Hi, I’m Karen Swallow Prior, a new member of Redbud. I’m an English professor by day, and a blogger for Christianity Today’s women’s blog, Her.meneutics by night…and weekend …. and lunch break ….

    I’m working on my first non-academic book, a literary memoir about the books that shaped my life, to be published next year by T. S. Poetry Press.

  7. Hi, I’m Keri Wyatt Kent and a Redbud Founder. My website is at, my blog is at You can also find me on Twitter and Facebook.

    My passion is seeing people formed into the image of Christ. So I write and speak to help people slow down, simplify and listen to God. I freelance for several websites and for a social media marketing company.
    Excited to see Redbud expanding with such amazing women!

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