A Radical Experiment

We are almost at the point of wrapping up and reflecting on our Radical book discussion. David Platt actually closes the book with a Radical Experiment. He wants to test the impact of his claims.

It is a one year challenge.

Why? because “Church-goers today want short-term commitments with long-term benefits (184).”

However, biblical examples and church history does not reveal this same complacency towards the kingdom building affairs of God. With a little Bible study and research of church history, we will see that “long term benefits are actually reserved for long-term commitments (185).”

So here’s the one-year challenge:

1. Pray for the entire world;

2. Read through the entire Word;

3. Sacrifice your money for a specific purpose;

4. Spend your time in another context;

5. Commit your life to a multiplying community (185).

Here’s a practical way to consider going about doing this:

1. Pray for one continent each day of the week.

2. Read four chapters of the Bible per day.

3. Outline a budget; identify one expense, a “want” (ex. cable television, gym membership, coffee, eating meals out); replace that expense for one-year and donate the money to a Christian organization supporting justice efforts (I have identified several options in the “worldview” blog category

4. If you can’t go on a short-term mission trip to another country, consider a short-term mission trip within the United States, or even intentionally developing relationships with those unlike you in your local community

5. Join/become a member of a Bible believing and Bible teaching local church body where you can spiritually grow in community with other Christians

“In the gospel we have seen the depth of our inadequacy and the extent of our inability to accomplish anything of eternal value apart from the power of the God (187-188).”

Yet God desires a response from his people, a commitment to labor in the harvest (Matt 9:36-38). Will you consider committing to one, several, or all of these challenges at the start of the New Year? If so, please let me know, as I would love to walk through this transition with you.

I’m praying that Radical living becomes our new normal. Blessings, Natasha

Published by Natasha Sistrunk Robinson

Servant of Jesus. Truth-teller. Leader. Mentor. Author of Books.

7 thoughts on “A Radical Experiment

  1. Dear Natasha,
    Thank you for this post. I want t tell you that I’m committing to all starting Jan one. This will be my new year’s resolution 😀 Are you doing it too? Thank you so much again…

    1. Hi Sophie, Thanks so much for making the commitment to walk through the Radical Experiment. Do you have someone else who will be doing it with you? Like working out, I find these disciplines much easier to follow through with when I have a buddy. Plus, it is more funny to celebrate with another, I think.

      To answer your question, I’m piece mealing the experiment at the moment. I make efforts to pray for specific missionaries and the lost one day/week. I am currently reading through the Bible – 22 books so far this year. Reading the book of Numbers right now. I’m a giver so I am open to any way in which God would have us to give. I often find the needs to be so great and wish that I could do more. As an African-American woman and seminary student spending most of my time in insolation and still getting acquainted with a new community and making new friends, I feel like the entire 1 1/2 years have been in another context. However, I have not yet been on an international missions trip and I hope to do that next year. Yes, I have committed my life to multiplying community.

      It is a good possibly that we will be reviwing this book with the mentoring groups at our church next year which would give me the opportunity to share this experiment and commitment with others.

      I would love to hear about your experience periodically next year. Please keep me posted.

      Blessings, Natasha

  2. Hi Natasha! For number 3, do you have any other ideas because I’m not working? 🙂 I’ll check the main website too. I’m not sure if I should do it in faith 🙂 Thanks!

  3. The funny part is that though I’m not working, I still get money somehow 🙂 I guess I can just do it in faith. I always wanted to sponsor a child when i start working so that can be good. what do you think? i’m still open to your suggestions!

    1. Sophie, Pray about it and see where Lord leads. Maybe do it in faith. Maybe consider how you can “sacrifice” your time or something else meaningful to you. Just emailed you. Blessings Natasha

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