Advent and the Manager Book Give-Away


Greetings Friends,

I hope that you all had a relaxing Thanksgiving holiday reflecting on God’s goodness and his grace while enjoying time with family members and friends. I know that many are back to the gym this week and again monitoring their food intake, I know I am. Now the Christmas season is upon us.

For Western Christian churches, Sunday marked the beginning of Advent. Advent is a Latin word that means coming, and it is a period of waiting which commemorates the first coming of Christ while preparing our hearts for his return. While many approach the Christmas season being consumed by the hustle and bustle of this world, God calls his people to a place a reflection, prayer, and rejoicing during this special time.

This is also a season of giving. Therefore, I would like to give away another book this week. This children’s book, Back to the Manger: A Treasure Hunt for the Nativity, is written by fellow Redbud, Margaret Ann Philbrick with illustrations from her mom. It’s a delightful family story that celebrates the simplexes of life, family, church history, and art. It is sure to become a family favorite for the children in your life or will make a wonderful gift.

For consideration, all you have to do is share a comment about your reflections during this season or reasons that you are particularly grateful. A winner will be announced early next week.

Blessings, Natasha

Published by Natasha Sistrunk Robinson

Servant of Jesus. Truth-teller. Leader. Mentor. Author of Books.

6 thoughts on “Advent and the Manager Book Give-Away

  1. Each Christmas season — and this one is no exception — finds me in awe of “Immanuel.” The scandal of God coming to us in the form of a man, taking on our likeness … that we might be like him, leads my heart to worship and my mind to awe.

    1. I, too, stand in awe of Immanuel, Ashlee. We are singing a song by that title for our Christmas concert this year and it is my favorite by far. God is ever present with us. We are thankful beyond words. Blessings, Natasha

  2. Growing up my mom allowed us in the “front room” where the tree was located. During the rest of the year that room was off limits but for the month of December there was an open invitation to enter. She constantly had Christmas music playing over and over again in that room. These songs provided for me a personal worship experience that helped shape my heart and deepen my love for Jesus. I treasure this live experience.

    1. Thanks for your comment, Randi. I believe you will enjoy this wonderful book. Please use the “contact me” link on the top right-hand side of the homepage to email me your mailing address and I will get the gift to you right away. Thanks for commenting. Blessings, Natasha

  3. I am particularly grateful for this Christmas season, because it will be the first year ever that my sister and I will have Christmas with our mom. I can’t wait. Have a Merry Christmas.

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