Radical Summary

Radical Book CoverWe have finished the discussion of David Platt’s “Radical.” Thanks so much for joining in. I am encouraged to see that at least one person is committing to the Radical Experiment. Thanks, Sophie!

I know that some have started and could not finish the book, or would like to revisit it at another time. No problem. Here is a quick summary of what we discussed, along with the links. I’ll be glad to dialog with you anytime.

A Radical Introduction:

At the opening of the book, David Platt asks us to consider two important questions: Am I going to believe Jesus? Am I going to obey Jesus? Check out the book trailer video!

Chapter 1: Is Jesus worth losing everything for?

Consider: Are we going to believe Jesus together? Are we going to obey Jesus completely?

Chapter 2: Too Hungry for Words

Fact: “The gospel confronts us with the hopelessness of our sinful condition (pg 31).” Yet even that is good news!

Chapter 3: Come to the End of Yourself

“The challenge for us is to live in such a way that we are radically dependent on and desperate for the power that only God can provide (pg 45).”

Chapter 4: A Radical Devotion to the Great Way of God

What should we do about Jesus’ command to go and take the gospel to the ends of the earth?

Chapter 5: The Christian Community

Are you “going to impact the world by making disciples of all nations (pg 86)?”

Chapter 6: What are You Pretending Not to Know?

Why do we choose to see what we want to see and ignore want we want to ignore (pg 108)? Why we need to confront this sin in our lives.

Chapter 7: We are God’s Plan A


Chapter 8: The Risks and Rewards

“Do we believe the reward found in Jesus is worth the risk of following him (pg 162)?”

Chapter 9: The Radical Experiment (One-Year Challenge)

“Church-goers today want short-term commitments with long-term benefits (184).” The way to overcome this complacency is to make a long-term commitment, preferably with an accountability partner or group.

“If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose (Phil 2:1-2).”

Let’s turn the Church and the world upside down by making RADICAL the new normal!

Blessings, Natasha

Published by Natasha Sistrunk Robinson

Servant of Jesus. Truth-teller. Leader. Mentor. Author of Books.

2 thoughts on “Radical Summary

  1. You are welcome Natasha 😀 It will surely be a nice present for her so I’ll ask. I’ll definitely keep you posted and I’m interested. I can update you on my progress each week? month? I’m so excited about this that I posted it on my blog: http://sophiespost.blogspot.com/
    I hope you have a great week…

    1. Hi Sophie. This is great! I’m always glad to connect with other bloggers. Yes, I would definitely love to document of your experience. Send me an email through the “contact me” tab and we can discuss further details. Thanks for sharing the experiment on your blog. I hope that you get others to join in. It would be great to do as a team, as I hope to do the same with our mentees at a later date. Chat with you soon. Blessings, Natasha

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